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Nevertheless, you may be a conservative user or just not want to invest in new software and hardware. Apple has already launched a replacement for Aperture in the form of the more complex and smarter Apple Photos. This means that all old 32-bit apps will have to be replaced or updated to 64-bit versions. Aperture is a 32-bit application, and starting with macOS Catalina, 32-bit applications will no longer be supported. The reason for Apple’s decision is simple. But Apple recently announced that Aperture won’t run in versions of macOS after Mojave, including in the latest version, macOS Catalina. They could still work with their favorite image organizer and editor even if it didn’t get any new features. As a result, Aperture fans weren’t too affected.

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But since then, all new versions of macOS have been able to run it. Apple discontinued the development of Aperture in 2014.